As I was walking home tonight I walked by the long awaited Salt Wine Bar. There is a new sign on their door announcing an Iberian Food and Wine pairing next Saturday, July 24th. You can call to make reservations at 416-533-SALT (7258). The sign says the price is $65 for the evening. Their chef Dave Kemp, formerly of the now closed Prego Della Piazza and Splendido is confident that locals will pay to come for the opening. (which we think is quite gutsy to charge for an opening, but if you can do it….why not?)
We are excited to see another place in the neighbourhood opening up. This place has been long awaited (any minute, as of February). We heard they have had issues getting their licenses accepted and all their permits approved. We don’t know whether they will open to the public right after the pairing night, or whether there are further approvals required. Let us know if anyone knows more.
Here’s the sign that’s in their window:
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