Update: Menu Posted for Salt Wine Bar’s pre-opening event

Salt Menu

As we already mentioned, Salt Wine Bar is having a tasting night tonight.  The opening of this restaurant has been long overdue, and much discussed for many months! We heard through the grapevine that issues with permits, etc, caused the long delays. Now, finally, the restaurant seems ready to go with the first event tonight a tasting menu for $65. We photographed the menu, and have it posted here (a little blurry, but legible).

We aren’t attending, so please comment if you do go. We would love to hear if the food tastes as good as it’s described.

About Melinda M 604 Articles
Mel, living on a boat, sailing the world. Slowly.


  1. They are not fully open yet, but should be within a few weeks. Keep ya posted.

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  1. Tweets that mention Update: Menu posted for Salt Wine Bar's pre-opening event | Ossington Village -- Topsy.com
  2. Salt Wine Bar Looks Open | Ossington Village

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