A new medical marijuana dispensary is opening Wednesday at 1112 Dundas Street West, on the second floor in the space above Opera Bob’s. The Epicure’s online presence consists of a twitter account with their address and two tweets.
The name of the place makes it sound like a food shop or restaurant, however, when I walked by yesterday, there was a sign for medical marijuana. Further inspection of their tweets provides more clues:
KEY: Infused pop = infused with THC; Pre-rolls = marijuana cigarettes
Ever since Trudeau became Prime Minister, entrepreneurs have been chomping at the bit to start selling legalized marijuana and it’s no surprise someone is getting started in our neighborhood.
Also, no word on if this business has any connection to the Queen West restaurant already named The Epicure. Here’s a photo of the storefront. We’ll try to stop by for the opening party and share more, but let us know if you learn anything.
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