Shoppers Drug Mart Deals with Virginia Johnson

Local designer Virginia Johnson is getting a lot of exposure these days thanks to an arrangement with Shoppers Drug Mart.

I thought it was cool as I was flipping through Metro this morning to see the ad featuring Virginia’s bag. She’s hit the mainstream with this one. Open a newspaper, or visit the Shoppers Drug Mart website, and you will see a brightly coloured tote “created by Canadian textile designer Virginia Johnson” being offered as the special gift with a $125 or more beauty purchase. That is a good value.

The bag is representative of Johnson’s bright, casual style. Her store on Ossington, and all the other retail locations which sell her products, offers beach bags, totes, hats, dresses and more in summery styles and colours.

Virginia Johnson’s home base is at 132 Ossington Avenue.

About Melinda M 604 Articles
Mel, living on a boat, sailing the world. Slowly.