Fitzroy Moving West From Ossington


Foxy Lady FitzroyThe Fitzroy is moving from Ossington Village after establishing their business for the last 2.5 years in the hood.

About The Fitzroy

A clothing lending company! What a fabulous idea in today’s consumerist society! Thanks to Fitzroy, Toronto gals don’t have to buy an expensive dress for that one-time use, we can rent one. That’s the concept adopted by the two women behind the Fitzroy brand, and it’s proven a success.

Fitzroy started out on Ossington over two years ago as a pop-up shop, selling mainly accessories and some clothing. The women behind the brand, Julie Buczkowski and Angela Pastor, pivoted to dress rentals, and moved to a permanent space at Dundas and Grove, in the fall of 2016. Since then, the duo has been racking up great press and commendations for their concept and stylish choices for all occasions. They’ve dressed celebrities for high profile events, and regular women for their friends’ weddings.

Fitzroy is Moving

The word is out that the team is moving. The other occupant of 1227 Dundas West moved west recently, and now The Fitzroy must do the same. Word on the street is the landlord has plans for the building other than renting to cool, well-respected female entrepreneurs. Ange and Julie just announced their move to a new space on the ever hotter Sterling Road, a quick streetcar or bicycle ride away.Fitzroy Moving Ossington

We’ll miss Fitzroy in our neighborhood, and wish them all the best! We’re guessing they’ll bring the Foxy Lady sign with them too.

About Melinda M 604 Articles
Mel, living on a boat, sailing the world. Slowly.