The latest news on Ossington

Reviews, reviews and more reviews, that’s what’s keeping Ossington in the news lately.

First up, Our House has generated some positive press for it’s feel-good vibe, laid back staff, and fun menu.  It may be the press, but the place does seem to be drawing some healthy crowds on the weekends.

Bohmer, which opened a few months ago, is ready for it’s reviews! Everybody loves the space and some like the food too.

So maybe Pizza Libretto started a trend! Another restaurant has opened for lunch on Ossington, and Delux gets a thumbs up!

Finally, has it’s patio guide of just our hood (and a little bit further east) including the newly-opened patio behind Foxley!

About Melinda M 604 Articles
Mel, living on a boat, sailing the world. Slowly.