2016 In Review: Openings and Closings in Ossington Village
2016 in review: as the year is almost over, we look back at all the new businesses we welcomed to the neighbourhood this year, and the ones that closed. […]
2016 in review: as the year is almost over, we look back at all the new businesses we welcomed to the neighbourhood this year, and the ones that closed. […]
New openings on Ossington in 2013 include restaurants Soos and Ardor Bistro, and retailers The Pedal Stop, Annie Aime, Crywolf, PopUp 120 and Lost and Found. […]
It was a busy year in the Ossington area. In reflection of the year end, we like to share some of the posts that received the most traffic over the course of the year. […]
About this time of year, we like to look back and see what people have been reading on the site and highlight the most popular posts of the year by traffic. […]
This year brought a lot of new businesses and faces to Ossington, all of which we welcomed, and many of which we covered. We look forward to frequenting many new shops, galleries, restaurants and more to the strip in the year ahead. […]
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