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Be Heard

What we care about is you do have an opinion and you share it. Everybody should make their voice heard, if you want the condo development or you hate the idea of it. […]

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Retail and Services

Now Open: Rescue Vintage

Just opened: Rescue Vintage is a lovely welcoming space with some beautiful clothing, accessories and jewelry. The shop, at 102 Ossington, just south of where Badlands Vintage used to be, offers a mix of vintage and contemporary pieces. […]

Academy of Lions Rowathon
Business Profiles

Ossington Business Profile #14: Academy of Lions

The latest in our series of Ossington Business Profiles is for the crossfit gym/cafe/general store/charitable foundation Academy of Lions, which moved last year from Dundas Street West to 64 Ossington, a former restaurant supply space. Dhani Oks, the Director and Owner of Academy of Lions, answered our profile questions, explaining more about the business. […]

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NXNE is back!

One of the city’s biggest music festivals, NXNE, returns this June 11-18 and mostly consists of bands playing in clubs, including local venues like The Dakota, Painted Lady and The Garrison, and Trinity Bellwoods Park. […]