Local Building Developments South of Ossington Village

CAMH new development

We’ve recently learned of a couple of new local building developments near us to the south. They are very different buildings, except for their locations, at Queen Street West.

The Plant – Dovercourt

The Plant
Rendering of exterior of The Plant

The Plant, a mixed-use community space, is coming to Dovercourt south of Queen Street West. The in-development building, at Dovercourt and Sudbury, is planned with spaces for residential, retail and offices. If the name doesn’t give it away, The Plant is designed with a connection to food and food culture. The finished building will include an internal greenhouse and nursery, plus custom garden beds in every suite. The building is to feature an industrial sized kitchen to host events.

The Plant will be located on the site of former Dufflet Bakery, which was an influential food project in Toronto. Last week, we attended the official retail and office launch party at the showing room for The Plant. The event showcased some sample apartments (all of which have been sold), and sample interior gardens. All residences are sold out, but businesses are being sought to fit with the lifestyle spaces for offices or retail.

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CAMH Groundbreaking Announcement

The Center for Addiction and Mental Health celebrated the beginning of construction on 2 new flagship buildings for mental health patients with a groundbreaking event yesterday. The event featured multiple speeches by the CAMH president, board members and politicians. The top news announced yesterday is additional centres for patient care and living on Queen Street West. In addition to that big news, Health Minister Eric Hoskins announced that the province pledges to spend $72.6 billion on mental health programmes like psychotheraphy.

Minister Hoskins CAMH
Minister Eric Hoskins makes big announcement at CAMH

The Complex Care and Recovery Building will be added to the southeast corner of Queen and Ossington, where there is now simply a grass field.

CAMH new development
Rendering of new CAMH building at Ossington and Queen

The Crisis and Critical Care building will be further west, a block past Ossington, at Queen West and Gordon Bell Road.

The two new CAMH buildings will feature over 200 inpatient beds, a 24/7 emergency department, a community centre for patients, and more. The buildings are due to be completed in 2020.

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About Melinda M 604 Articles
Mel, living on a boat, sailing the world. Slowly.