Legalization Day in Trinity Bellwoods Park

Cannabis Legalization

Yesterday there was a big party for legalization day in Trinity Bellwoods Park. Cannabis culturists celebrated across Canada on October 17th, and Toronto’s big site to commemorate the end of prohibition just happened to be in our local park. We stopped by and took some photos of the smiling, happy crowd at the Legalization Day in Trinity Bellwoods party.

At 1PM, the crowd was small. Someone had set up a table with a sound system and some big Pot flags and some food (maybe edibles?) and there were several people hovering around. I didn’t stay for long and vowed to return later.

My second swing by was just after 4PM, and the crowd was much bigger. There were also lots of news crews and photographers. There were a couple of mascots posing for photos with whoever wanted, some companies giving out free swag, and a lot of smoke in the air.

People were taking care to pick up trash and the overall vibe from the crowd was positive. Why not? It’s not often you celebrate the end of prohibition.

We took some photos to commemorate the occasion for those of you who missed legalization day in Trinity Bellwoods Park.

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About Melinda M 604 Articles
Mel, living on a boat, sailing the world. Slowly.