The 6th annual Ossington Village Alleyway Party was yesterday and we were blessed with a beautiful sunny day to accompany the wonderful music, food and company in the alley.
The day was filled with friends old and new, food from the generous neighbors, Scrabble and other games, music and dancing. All of the talented performers donated their time and music, and for that we are very grateful! Here are some photos from the day and night:
Next Sunday, in the afternoon, Michael Louis Johnson, the man behind the Ossington Blackout Party, and the regular Saturday afternoon Gypsy Jazz Matinee, is hosting an Ossington Village Alleyway Party. […]
Tonight, in the same spot as last years Ossington Village alleyway party the Lemon Bucket orchestra got together to perform. In fact, they were taking pictures for their upcoming album but the neighbours appreciated the music coming from behind their houses and joined in the party. […]