Where to Watch Sunday’s Gold Medal Men’s Hockey Game

team-canada-hockeyWant to cheer on Team Canada in public tomorrow? While some of us may barely get out of bed to catch the gold medal game, thanks to Councillor Mike Layton, bars will be open early and serving drinks. So, the question is, which local bars will be open for you to watch the game with other fans?

Opera Bob’s, at 1112 Dundas West, frequently opens early for Man City football games, so they have no problem opening this Sunday in time for the 7am puck drop. This friendly bar has several small TVs behind the bar, and they’ll pull out the big screen for events like this.

New sports bar The Dock Ellis will open their doors at 1280 Dundas Street West at 6am, so you can get your prime seat and a pint of Ontario craft brew, and be all set for the first period.

Know any other local spots showing the game? Share with us in the comments or via twitter.

Go Canada!

About Melinda M 604 Articles
Mel, living on a boat, sailing the world. Slowly.