The long empty Shaw Street school has finally been converted into a home for artists, musicians, and arts related groups, keeping art in our neighborhood for years to come.
Last night, the community got a chance to see and enjoy the new Artscape Youngplace at the Official Public Opening party. The event was an open house, with exhibits from some of the residents, speeches from the organizers, musical performances from Maylee Todd and more.
Artscape is a well-known art community supporter throughout Toronto, and, for those wondering why Youngplace is on Shaw Street and not Yonge Street, it’s named after the family who are the chief benefactors of this hub, the Michael Young Family Foundation.
Youngplace is called a community hub, and from the looks of it, that’s what it is and will be. With a coffee pub, art galleries, music schools and more, this is a space our community will cherish for years to come. At a time when old schools are being converted into townhomes, and art galleries are moving further west, Artscape Youngplace is a welcome addition to the neighborhood. Check out our video below, and see you there!
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