Gallery Hops At Dundas West and Ossington

Fall is a good time for art in Toronto. It starts this weekend with the Queen West Art Crawl, and continues next weekend with Gallery Hop. On Saturday, September 22, take an art trip around the city as part of a free event called Hop Day. ItĀ features neighborhood tours of art galleries and museums across Toronto, focusing on several neighborhoods, including Dundas West and Ossington and Queen West.

The event is sponsored by Canadian Art Magazine, and includes a party and auction and the hop. On Saturday afternoon, many of the galleries in Toronto will be offering tours and talks, so it’s a good time to explore and interact with art, artists and art lovers. The hop is happening east in The Distillery, and north in Yorkville, so get out and enjoy, and definitely try to hop to some spots in our backyard.

Area 6, Dundas Street West, runs from Dufferin to Ossington, and includes stops at many of our local favorites. Feel free to wander along the path they recommend, or start at Ossington and go west. Stops can include the exhibits at former Ossington resident MKG127, Cooper Cole, LE Gallery and Loop Gallery.

The Queen West and Ossington Area is Area 7. It’s a small geographic area, from Queen and Shaw, along Queen West, up Ossington and along Queen to Dovercourt, but as we know, it’s densely packed with art galleries. Some of the stops include O’Born Contemporary, InterAccess and XPace on Ossington.

The art journey doesn’t end there. Nuit Blanche returns on September 29th!

About Melinda M 604 Articles
Mel, living on a boat, sailing the world. Slowly.