Summerworks 2012

The Summerworks Theatre and Music Festival returns this August with a whole roster of performances at Lower Ossington Theatre and other local venues.

This year Summerworks runs August 9-19, 2012 and includes theatre, music and performance art on Ossington, Queen West and other parts of the city. The Lower Ossington Theatre hosts 7 theatre shows over the course of the festival. With play topics ranging from Northern Ireland in the 70s, Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh, and sex workers, there is something for everyone at Lower Ossington Theatre.

The Lower Ossington Theatre Cabaret space downstairs will be The Performance Bar for 6 nights. According to the website, “This late-night hub will feature eclectic performances and happenings curated by Erin Brubacher and a series of music acts curated by Julie Fowler. Performance, music, live-art, images, interactions, comedy, conversation and alcohol. ” Those events are PWYC.

One of the offsite plays is in a bus that will be parked at 15A Ossington. Called The Dutchman, the play is about the racial politics in the Southern U.S. in the 1960s.

Another nearby venue is The Great Hall at Queen and Dovercourt, which will be the music venue for Summerworks. There is music nightly, with most shows at $15 except the Buck 65 and Hawksley Workman shows, still a good deal for $20.

So go forth and experience Summerworks, and while you are, don’t forget to keep an eye out for local sponsors like The Lakeview! Let us know what you are going to see in the comments.

About Melinda M 604 Articles
Mel, living on a boat, sailing the world. Slowly.