Salt Wine Bar is closed, hopefully not for good

Salt Wine Bar

As we have mentioned, the moratorium and other restrictions on Ossington have proven too much for Salt Wine Bar. We heard from an employee there that they were shut down during service last weekend. They have also tweeted they are closed, and blogTO has an in-depth post about it today. BlogTO’s story mentions that Salt hopes to reopen by November. We hope so too. As you know from our previous posts, we were big fans.

This sort of bureaucracy in our ward is not only affecting Salt Wine Bar and Ossington. Joe Warmington’s editorial in yesterday’s Toronto Sun points out the crazy levels of harrassment our city is pulling on business owners on Queen Street as well, instead of focusing on important matters. On a related note, next month we have the opportunity to elect a new city council representative for this ward. Each of us deserves someone we believe will work in our interests. How do we determine that? Listen to what the candidates say and ask them questions. Your chance to do that is next Tuesday night at the Garrison, where we are hosting a Ward 19 Candidates debate which is open to the public. Hope to see you there!

About Melinda M 604 Articles
Mel, living on a boat, sailing the world. Slowly.

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  1. Getting Local and Getting Involved using Blogs and Social Media | Ossington Village
  2. Re-Opening Soon | Ossington Village

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