BlueBird – A Food and Art Thing – Event

Last night we stopped by a little event at what used to be Rolly’s Garage, and is now called Meta Gallery.

Devan, who writes a blog called Eat it or Leave it, and is obviously passionate about both food and art, took over the place for friends and onlookers to host his 26th birthday.

His mandate? To depict the relationship between food and art via various visual, edible and inedible exhibitions.

It was a well attended night with some great art and good food, both real and artistic.

The room was busy:

There was some cool food related art:

And these were my favourite pieces. A sushi dinner, all made with candy:

and this “stadium” made with watermelon, pasta, broccoli trees, and little gummi bears as the people – fantastic:

We love how the new Meta Gallery has evolved. Looking forward to more events like this.